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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Running Girl

Its been so hot here lately and Gimme and Grafton, while enjoying their walks, are not as enthused about the unaccustomed heat.  Toward the end of our walks, they have a tendency to run ahead and find a tree that is shading the road and then will hang out there waiting for us slow pokes to catch up.

We try to get them out at other times when its not as hot, but too often my schedule means those have to be shorter walks in town.  We went out last night at 7:30 and it was cooler, breezy and nice.  They have both finally accepted that they can't play on leash, much as they might want to.

Last night they met a concrete deer.  Gimme rushed right over to let that deer know who was boss.  Grafton was not so bold.  Later after we were done, I drove around to pick up some really nice clothes that had been dumped along the path, which I've taken to Goodwill.  While doing so I saw a much more realistic deer statue.  It was a more realistic size, the color was more correct and it authentically turned its head when I slowed down to look at it.  Don't know how we missed it when we were walking.  <eg>

Mary and I committed to getting an early start for a walk with the kids today.  Its been significantly cooler all day and the kids just thoroughly enjoyed their run this morning.  They ran more than they have in a long time and it sure was nice to see them have so much fun.

We will try to get video of them running together sometime.  They just run and run and run out in the big open fields (which you can see in the background of the picture above).  We just have to remember and be prepared, because if we stop to fish out a camera, they rush over to see what we are doing. 


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, I always enjoy finding other dalmatian blogs :-) Love the placement of Gimme's patch, so charming!

- Nina and the dalmatian Casper

James said...

Hi - can you post this Blog at The Dalmatian Community at vorts.com? Our members will love it!
It's easy just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website. You can also add Classifieds, Photos, Videos, etc. It’s free and easy…
We are looking for contributors to share stuff with our members. Please help.
Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
James Kaufman, Editor