Titles Achieved to date...

Monumental A to Z High On Liberty
NW1, RATI, RATN, RATO, NW2, L1I, RATS, L1E, L1C, L1V, L2C, L2I, L2E, RATM, R-FE/N, PKD-TL, PKD-N, ADPL1, ADPL2, TD, UWP, ADPL3, NTD, TKN, L2V, ADPL4, SDS-N, ADPL5, ADPCH, ADP1(2), ADPL1(GC), ADPL2(2), ADPL2(GC), VPN, AP, UWPCH, ADPL3(2), ADPL3(GC), NC, NI, NE, SCN, SIN, SEN, CZ8B, NV, NN, ADPL4(2), ADPL4(GC), ADPGCH, ADPL5(2), RATCH, CZ8S, AI, TKI, AV, AE, AC, AN, R-FE/X NW3-V, NW3-E, SI, RN, R-FE/NS, CZ8G, SC, SV, SE, SN, SEA, SBN, SWN, SIA, SCA, ADP-1(Th), ADP-2(Th), ADP-3(Th), ADP-4(Th), ADP-5(Th), and ADP-CH(Th)... 81 and counting...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Agility Videos (Apr 11th)

This video is taken from the first class after my finger first blew up and the subsequent stay in the hospital.  I was doing my best, having timed my pain drugs so I could drive to/from class.  Gimme was bothered by how hesitant I was, as I worried about what might "hurt". 

Something happened and the video for our first session was corrupted so early in the tape it wasn't worth editing.  Here's the second one.

It was okay, but not fabulous, I was slow and so  Gimme was not her little speed demon self.  Then Blynn had us work on a more efficient turn for the second jump.  It took a couple tries for Gimme to understand what I wanted, then she did well.  Then we fixed the rear cross on the flat after the aframe.  It was clear just how affected she is by how I am. 

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