Gimme thought her name should have gone first on the certificate, after all, she did all the hard work, whilst all I did is wander around and try to keep my two left feet out of her way.
We have formally set a goal to enter her in rally at the Puget Sound Dalmatian Club specialty on August 26th. That'll be a nice way to start her performance career - among all her Dalmatian peers.
Gimme thinks she's going to have to train me a LOT to get me ready in time. She's happy to be out of season so she can concentrate on getting me ready.
Ohhh a Specialty.. is there going to be tracking or just conformation ? Keep me and Jaxon posted if there is tracking we would love to come down!! I am hoping to get his US Test entrance in June! Congrats Gimmee Jaxon says!!
Way to go Gimme. So proud of you for finishing your rally class. I know you will be great when you begin to compete. Getting that start at the Dal specialty will be extra special.
Congratulations Gimme. I think you'll have time to get Carla trained for the specialty. It might help if you learn to read too. Good Luck.
I DO know how to read. Why, doesn't Grace know how??
I've been working really hard on Mom and she's showing progress. I'm teaching her scent articles right now, even thought they aren't in rally - I just don't want her to get bored.
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