Gimme was very good about getting into position and sitting there waiting through all my picture taking nonsense. She really does have an excellent sit-wait. In the first picture, Gimme is patiently waiting after I pushed the button for the copier to take the picture of her cute little tushy...
In the second picture, she is clearly impatient to see the final results and is actually watching the paper come out of the copier.
There's another picture I would have loved to get, but needed someone to take the picture... I didn't want to risk Gimme breaking her stay and jumping off to get to me since its a long way down. I may get that picture some day, simply because Gimme is so photogenic and it would be a cool shot. But obviously not until I have another set of hands to take the picture so I can make sure she stays safe.
I have a great Halloween costume idea for her, but was too busy with other things to get it done. Maybe next year.
We've only done a little training in the last couple days since I was fighting a cold and needed to work some extra rest into my days. The second session with the target stick went really well, so I attached the cue. Next time I'll start working on the exercise that I learned from Ursula. I'll try to videotape it.
We have a working slot in a freestyle seminar next weekend. I have been so focused on the fruit project that I wasn't even thinking about it and now here it is almost upon us and I really haven't taught her any of the behaviors I wanted to have ready.
So, I'm also using free shaping to teach Gimme to back away from me. The hardest part seems to be getting her to understand that I want her to go straight away from me. On the hardwood floor, I lined up with the strips and started by clicking any time she kept one foot between the strips, then two and finally three. Still, I'm not sure she is getting the idea and it was kinda frustrating for her. So I'm going to lay down two strips of duct tape to form a corridor for her. Then as she gets the idea I can cut away at the edges making the tape narrower and narrower to fade it.
Very cute!
Yep, that's my girl - always cute...
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