Did that two box practice again today and took notes. Thank God. Her wrong choices were sometimes quite spectacular. Two more boxes were sent to box heaven. This is what they look like when Demolition Gimme finishes with them.
I moved the boxes around between most trials (except twice). There didn't seem to be any correlation between her proximity to the correct box upon entering the room and whether she got it right. Remember, the criteria for getting the good stuff is that she indicates the correct box first. Sniffing the wrong box is certainly okay, but the best pay comes when she indicates right without first indicating wrong.
She got the criteria right 6 times out of 10, trending toward right (Y) more at the beginning and end:
#1 - sniffed wrong, indicated odor
#2 - indicated wrong without sniffing,
then indicated odor
#3 - indicated odor without apparent sniffing
#4 - indicated odor with minimal sniffing
#5 - destroyed wrong box and required help to
get to odor. can you spell frustrated?
#6 - indicated wrong repeatedly, then indicated
#7 - briefly indicated odor w/o sniffing, then
indicated wrong briefly and went back
to odor
----- started slowing down & taking her time -------
#8 - indicated wrong, then indicated odor
#9 - sniffed wrong, indicated odor
#10 - indicated odor quickly
I'm not sure if this is an improvement or not - she got it right 5 out of 10 tries last night. I won't do this again until after the weekend and will just let her little dog brain percolate between now and then.
We have a match tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see how she does. Cost of having your runs videoed went up from $15 to $25 since last match. I'm volunteering in the afternoon for the NW2 teams as the volunteer coordinator - so my match day is free, thus I'm splurging to have my runs videoed.
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