Yesterday Gimme and I joined our cat-person friend Carol at the Thurston County Republicans picnic. We weren't there two seconds before Andrew Barkis made a beeline to see Gimme. Lots of people came over to see her and admire what a good girl she was. While I ate, Gimme lay beside me on the grass and I tossed her treats for being good. She really stayed put, except when people came a visiting -- she is after all, the Official Worldwide Dalmatian Greeter. There were even the occasional dogs passing by, that she'd look at and then turn back to me for treats. All the time we've put into chillin' paid off. Here's a couple pictures...
Today I thought I better get serious about some agility training, since we have class in two days. Haven't actually done any weave poles since our last class. Gimme did such a great job at it, that I set a jump up in front of them, since that was an issue at the last class. She missed doing the poles a couple times, either the entry or didn't finish. Since I haven't yet put the poles on a verbal cue, I'm completely okay with that. Right now I am just aiming her at them -- won't put it on a verbal cue until its closer to what I want. She was doing so nicely that I went and got the camera and made this little bit of video... You can see she is going to be speedy.
Of course, watching that clip to edit it makes it painfully clear how late my clicking is... Good grief! She really does learn in spite of me.
After that we did a little session on the chute. This is about the third time we've done it since our last class. I decided to attach the chute firmly, instead of draping it over the edge. Smartly I tipped it up on its end, but really should have put Gimme in the house while I set it up. She tried to go through it while I was laying out the chute and got all tangled up and finally managed to get out the way she came in. Naturally after that, she didn't want to go in again.
So I basically stood at the far end of the chute and free shaped her to leave me and go to the barrel opening and enter on her own. Since I was holding the chute end open, a couple times she went in the chute end and turned around to get treats. She got clicked and treated for doing that - in the sense of priming the pump. It took a little while, about ten minutes (including distractions), but she figured it out. I was holding the chute completely open and dropping it a little earlier each time as she came through. After about five times coming all the way through and since I'd already dropped it right after she entered the chute part, I went with her to the other end and sent her. She raced through it no problem - for which she got a mega jackpot and we quit. I'll let her percolate on that now...
I just love the way free shaping helps a dog get over what might otherwise provoke anxiety. Of course, Gimme always likes things that she "invents". And it certainly helps to start with the smartest dog on the planet.
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