Titles Achieved to date...

Monumental A to Z High On Liberty
NW1, RATI, RATN, RATO, NW2, L1I, RATS, L1E, L1C, L1V, L2C, L2I, L2E, RATM, R-FE/N, PKD-TL, PKD-N, ADPL1, ADPL2, TD, UWP, ADPL3, NTD, TKN, L2V, ADPL4, SDS-N, ADPL5, ADPCH, ADP1(2), ADPL1(GC), ADPL2(2), ADPL2(GC), VPN, AP, UWPCH, ADPL3(2), ADPL3(GC), NC, NI, NE, SCN, SIN, SEN, CZ8B, NV, NN, ADPL4(2), ADPL4(GC), ADPGCH, ADPL5(2), RATCH, CZ8S, AI, TKI, AV, AE, AC, AN, R-FE/X NW3-V, NW3-E, SI, RN, R-FE/NS, CZ8G, SC, SV, SE, SN, SEA, SBN, SWN, SIA, SCA, ADP-1(Th), ADP-2(Th), ADP-3(Th), ADP-4(Th), ADP-5(Th), and ADP-CH(Th)... 81 and counting...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Match Container Video

Here's the video for the container element without.  BTW I discovered it was blogspot that was keeping my video's from uploading - not because of the Apple app on Linda's phone.  In any case, this video is complete.   

Here's what I saw:
  • she immediately finds the first bag (the red one) but doesn't stick it 
  • at one point she got caught up in fringe odor from the red bag on the black bag behind it
  • when she goes from the fringe to the odor bag, there is a decided change of behavior, as well as the clear snap-back for the red bag... whenever I see that snap-back there's a 95% likelihood there's odor there, but there isn't always a snap-back for odor (depends on variables)  
  • the judge commented that we spent too much time away from the bags, but after looking at this, she didn't spend that much time away - just did it repeatedly, probably due to frustration and I think I can bring her back sooner; she's handling it better than she used to
  • the most time wasted was the repeated skiing around on the first odor bag, which resulted, I think, from the frustration that was building up when she couldn't find the second bag
I can see in the video at about the 2 minute mark is when she gets most frustrated and is pretty much just going through the motions.  The biggest clue is that she looks up at me much more frequently - perhaps her way of asking for guidance.  Up until then it seemed she was really trying to puzzle it through.  I think from her behavior that she was in converging odor, probably made worse by her own actions of moving the first odor bag closer to the second odor bag.  That should be the point at which I could take charge and direct her searching.  Which, of course, we need to practice beforehand.

Also the first odor bag was a much looser construction and weave than the second odor bag.  So the odor from the first was probably overpowering the other, especially after she moved it closer.

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