Gimme started out well, barely noticed the road crossing and found the first article easily. She was a little less focused on the trail through the woods, but really couldn't go wrong. When she got to the foot of the trail, she went straight across the field on a walkabout, while the track turned right. Her head came up briefly before she started pulling hard. If I'd noticed the head-up moment, I might have slowed her down and then she might have taken the time to sleuth out the turn. Instead she didn't start telling me there was no more track until we got to the bigger road. When Nadine told me we were well off the track I took Gimme back to the foot of the trail - then she found the turn and tracked nicely to the end, finding the other two articles easily.

Gimme did well on the article circle, though she overran a couple of articles and then would have to circle back to find them. She loves article circles. More specifically she loves all the treats she gets.

Once I stopped interfering she did a lovely job through to the end of the track. About 20' from the final article we came upon a truck straddling our track. Gimme just moved around it and then rejoined the track on the other side, right in time to find and indicate the final article.
She's a good girl. I'm a thickheaded and obtuse handler.
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