The site was okay, but it was unbelievably cold. They said they were going to go by run order, but it didn't last. Since AKC allows volunteers to run dogs, they have priority, which throws everything off. They also have 5 wait stations, which means the dogs are kept waiting a long time. The good thing is they've set it up so you run two elements back-to-back.
I saw a gap for the interior/exterior line and got in it. Three others had the same plan, but I got there first. Since it was so cold, I made Gimme wear her sweater while we waited. She doesn't like it; says it makes her look like a bag lady. I say nothing could ever diminish her natural style and beauty. I also took thick pad I'd made from a folded blanket for her to sit/stand/lay on.

I checked on the line for buried and containers many times and finally went to the car for awhile. A bit later when I checked on the line, it was gone! So I ran to get Gimme, quickly did warm-up boxes and we were able to get a single pee on a strip of grass.

Check-in for the afternoon trial was supposed to be at 11:30. An hour later and they still hadn't run all the dogs from the morning trials. I was glad I only had one class in the afternoon, so we'd get home at a decent hour.

Finishing novice buried means she has all the novice element titles, so she also earned her Scent Work Novice title (SWN). Three titles in one day - yeah Gimme.
Same cold and chaos. I only ran one set of searches back-to-back. Our other three classes were split in too many class levels, so it just didn't work out.

We got into buried and container searches after another half hour in line.

Excellent Exterior 1 - One of the club's workers came through and said the search was set and ready to go, no waiting. So I raced to get Gimme and got over there first in line. After we waited 20 minutes for the search to start, the judge decided to eat lunch and walk her dog, so we went back to the car. Later after the class started there were only 3 in line, so I raced to get Gimme again. By the time I got there, we were 8th in line. I timed it and it was averaging over 5 minutes per dog, so we returned to the car again. Later we got in line again and were next to the last for the search. We waited half an hour and were next in line to search, when a judge showed up to run her dog and we were bumped. It was again almost time for us to run when a club worker showed up to run and we were bumped again! Overall we waited 45 minutes and Gimme was clearly frustrated, so I did not expect her to do well. However, in hindsight, she had a LOT of time and opportunity to pee while we waited, so she probably couldn't have squeezed out another drop in the lush grass of our search area.

Excellent Interior 2 - In the afternoon we got our first stab at this. There are two search areas, with a total of 3 hides. Neither area can be blank, so you know you have either 1 or 2 hides in each. In this case we had 3:00 per search area.

It was a great weekend. We Q'd in 8 out of 10 runs. Gimme brought home 5 new titles (total title count is now 75), with 3 placements and legs toward three higher level titles.
Way to go Gimme!
In addition, Gimme's indications were clear, with no excessive pawing. Perhaps being a new mother brings out the gentler side of her. For the most part she handled the waiting well. I think having the pad for her to sit/lay on helps. It gives her an anchor and I rewarded her a lot for "chillaxin" on her pad. Given her condition, I was pleased she was able to deal with the frustration of waiting as well as she did.
As a personal brag, I remembered to say "finished" all 10 times I needed to.
And possibly more astonishing, I restrained the urge to deliver a well-deserved tongue lashing to the careless woman with her ill-mannered dog who rudely informed me "You know, AKC doesn't welcome reactive dogs." This was her response when I asked her to not come any closer with her dog. I reminded her AKC's policy was to put the responsibility on the owner of the reactive dog to avoid an incident, but it does not limit their right to tell an inconsiderate dog owner to keep their rude dog at a reasonable distance. I do have to admit I smugly enjoyed knowing she had to watch Gimme lay politely on her pad while she and her ill-behaved dog waited in line behind us for the next 25 minutes. Perhaps my smugness wasn't my finest moment, but all-in-all, those who know me, know I did well in the face of needless provocation. <eg>
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