This first search was in the doorway of the old Pizza hut (been closed for years). Thinking it would be easier; I set one hide low and the other high.

When it came time to search the low hide was gone. Someone made off with my large Mentos container - given all the trash strewn around, it certainly wasn't a cleaning-up thing. Gimme repeatedly insisted there was a hide there. (I checked later and there was no hole the hide could have gotten pushed into) I had no choice but to treat it like lingering odor, since source was gone.

Also, I don't know what the enclosed doorway does to the way scent moves. I'd love to have a smoke pen for instances just like this one.
I expected the second converging odor hide to be harder because both hides were on the same plane and only 5' feet apart. She went straight to the first hide under the welcome matt. From it she went straight to the hide between the rocks a few feet away.
Just goes to show you, the dog's nose knows. What you think is happening might not be the case at all.
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