
The authors start by explaining that all of the medical issues that happen to people as a result of stress, happen to dogs as well.
Signs of Stress
Its important to note that many of these signs show up when a dog isn’t stressed, so consider in context, how often and how intense. In particular noting changes in these respects is a strong indicator.
- Nervousness – dog easily startled.
- *Restlessness – dog fidgets, difficulty relaxing, can’t calm down.
- Overreaction – especially when in same conditions he’d be normally relaxed.
- Calming Signals – dog shows calming signals.
- Freeze – lack of calming signals in appropriate situations.
- *Defecation and Urination – release of adrenaline activates sympathetic nervous system that signals rectum to empty and shifts in water balance may cause diarrhea and more frequent need to urinate.
- Unsheathing Penis in Males –
- Mounting – often occurs in mixed groups of dogs and may be mistaken for dominance, though its not a reliable sign. May occur with humans.
- Hypersexuality/Hyposexuality – excessive libido or complete loss of sexual drive.
- Altered Sexual Cycle – changes in usual cycle of seasons for females, including cessation of seasons.
- Exaggerated Self-Grooming – can lead to self-inflicted wounds. Open or swollen wounds cause the body to release endorphins (happy hormones).
- Destroying Objects – especially when left alone is a serious stress signal.
- *Exaggerated Noise Making – continuous barking, whining and howling.
- Disorders of the Digestive System – diarrhea and vomiting are among the most common.
- Allergies – to food, mites, flea bites, pollen, grass, insecticides, etc. can be stress induced, since chronic stress suppresses the immune system.
- Appetite Loss – including inability to eat treats.
- Over-Eating – gulping down anything and everything, edible or not.
- Unpleasant Body Odor and Bad Breath – stress raises the secretion of gastrointestinal acids that create bad breath and can affect body smell.
- Whiskers – when they become stiff or tremble.
- Raised Hackles – stiffening of the hairs on the back and neck occurs whenever a dog is aroused and often when stressed, feels insecure, is very happy, and other emotionally charged situations.
- Tense Muscles – dogs need to move to relax their muscles, so movement is essential when a dog is stressed.
- Dandruff – like seen on a veterinary exam table.
- Sudden Molting – like seen on a veterinary exam table and also observed at shows/trials.
- Bad Coat Conditioning and Heavy Molting – over a long period of time can result in bald patches.
- Unhealthy Appearance – along with symptoms listed above, their eyes can seem dull and sunken, posture sagging and crouching and tail hanging limp.
- Skin Problems – such as eczema, itchiness and open wounds.
- Eye Color Changes – unclear why this happens. Also eyes can appear blood-shot due to high blood pressure.
- *Panting – unrelated to warm temperatures or exertion.
- Dripping Nose – from increased nasal fluid production.
- Sweaty Paws – usually noticed because of damp paw prints on floors.
- Trembling – when muscle contraction occurs during stress, the body tries to loosen the muscles by moving them.
- Frantic Teeth Snapping – air snapping that is not directed toward the thing that concerns the dog. Deliberate, off-target and usually audible.
- Startled Eyes / Flickering Gaze – extreme strain can cause uncontrolled eye movements.
- Staring Intensely at Things That Are Worrisome – inability to look away from what worries them.
- Compulsive Behavior – behavior that is repeated over time with no obvious reason.
- *Biting or Snapping at Leash – can include tugging at the leash. Can seem to be a game until you notice patterns regarding when it occurs.
- Poor Concentration – slow and absent responses to cues or training.
- Forgetfulness – seeming to forget things they normally know well.
- Re-Directed Behavior / Displacement Activity – behavior that seems to be unrelated to what worries the dog. Sometimes calming signals.
- Staring Intensely at Unrelated Things – such as flies or beams of light.
- Passivity – quiet, withdrawn, or learned helplessness.
- Shaking – dogs “shake it off” when they realize that something isn’t threatening, so this usually follows stress.

For more information on calming signals, see the book On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals, by Turid Rugaas.
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