In one of our walks, I dropped treats for the last half mile before the turn around point so Gimme could find them on the way back. It's a fun thing we do and usually Gimme is great at it. This time Gimme had trouble finding the cheese pieces and would have missed a third of them if I hadn't helped her. She's still getting bee pollen, but bees don't collect grass pollen, so it's only a very little help for her. Bees only collect pollen from those plants that are pollinated by "winged vectors"; grass is pollinated by the wind. Clearly I won't sign up for any tracking test when grass pollen is prevalent.

On August 15th, we met at Game Farm Park. I again asked for article circles and for all absorbent articles. I'm keeping things simple until Gimme is through all this angst. The day before I had taken Gimme to the vet and started using his suggestions. Gimme was quieter and calmer in the car and I could see she was much more focused. Nadine laid one track and I laid another when I got there. I made sure Gimme was well hydrated before we started.

I'd dropped accidentally.

I was pleased with her efforts this day. The grass pollen levels are decreasing. They were supposed to go down to light last Friday, but I just checked and they are still considered moderate, but it's supposed to go down to mild in the next two days.
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