Titles Achieved to date...

Monumental A to Z High On Liberty
NW1, RATI, RATN, RATO, NW2, L1I, RATS, L1E, L1C, L1V, L2C, L2I, L2E, RATM, R-FE/N, PKD-TL, PKD-N, ADPL1, ADPL2, TD, UWP, ADPL3, NTD, TKN, L2V, ADPL4, SDS-N, ADPL5, ADPCH, ADP1(2), ADPL1(GC), ADPL2(2), ADPL2(GC), VPN, AP, UWPCH, ADPL3(2), ADPL3(GC), NC, NI, NE, SCN, SIN, SEN, CZ8B, NV, NN, ADPL4(2), ADPL4(GC), ADPGCH, ADPL5(2), RATCH, CZ8S, AI, TKI, AV, AE, AC, AN, R-FE/X NW3-V, NW3-E, SI, RN, R-FE/NS, CZ8G, SC, SV, SE, SN, SEA, SBN, SWN, SIA, SCA, ADP-1(Th), ADP-2(Th), ADP-3(Th), ADP-4(Th), ADP-5(Th), and ADP-CH(Th)... 81 and counting...

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Urban Tracking (148)

On August 22nd, Nadine and I met at Auburn Cinema for tracking. We'd just come out of 2 days of rain in the area, so the air was about as clean of grass pollen as it could get. Also the ground was damp, making for better tracking. We did article circles again.

Nadine set an article circle, the reverse of what we did the prior week. The hardest part for Gimme was the start. The start sock was right up next to the curb and the first leg went 90º from the curb. It was awkward to align with the leg, plus a turning away from a curb is the hard. It took Gimme a little bit to solve it, but then she did pretty darn good. There were lots of interesting articles to find.  She found them all - only needing help with one.  She noted it, but didn't stop to indicate, so she didn't think it was really an article.

We went straight from the article circle to a short track. Together they made up the approximate length we'd need for a TDU test. Now we just have to get the age back.

The first leg was an island serpentine and Gimme just motored right along. From there she turned out into the open and then turned again to go back to where the cars were parked. She did a nice job with all of this. It's good to see her getting her nose back.

Later we had a follow-up appointment with her chiropractor, Dr. Powell. He checked her over thoroughly and only found minor things to adjust. One interesting thing was a slightly jammed toe. It was on the same foot as the other jammed toes were, but this was an outside toe. He thinks it may have been stressed when she was favoring the sore toe/toenail. It wasn't much of a jam though, since it popped back so easily, she didn't even notice. It was nice to have an appointment with no ouches.

It's been a hard summer and it's quite a relief to be getting back to our normal, eh...

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