Interior 1 video - This is a blind interior search and we weren't told how many hides there were. Gimme finds the area of the hide really quickly (23 seconds) and then is just all over the spot trying to get to it. I was waiting for her to make a decision and tell me, "this is as close as I can get." The hide was under the lip of the tub, between the tub and the wall.
After everyone ran the search, Dorothy talked about whether waiting on the dog to make a decision is a good strategy. She believes it is not - instead we want the dog to continue trying to get to source, while we read their behavior, conclude it's an inaccessible hide and make the call. If we encourage the dog to make the decision, then they are likely to also make the close-as-I-can-get decision when faced with pooling or residual odor, leading to a false alert.Interior 2 video - This time the tub was turned so the hide was toward the front. The point for us handlers is to compare what it looks like when the hide is inaccessible to what it looks like when it is accessible. Gimme finds and indicates in 17 seconds. It's cute how she realizes I can't see her, so she backs up to look at me for her indications. She's such a smarty.
Interior 3 video - This time the tub is moved to the opposite wall with the hide side exposed. However, its between two seated people with their legs crossed and a foot sticking out. Gimme checks the tub in the middle of the room and then goes over to where she found the hide during the first two searches. Note how she trots right by the first time as she comes up the line of chairs, because the feet sticking out cause her to take a line a little further out. When she comes by the second time, she dips in to find the hide and indicates quickly.
Good class, easy stuff for Gimme, as usual. I am doing the most learning, also, as usual.
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