Gimme was so enthusiastic and having fun, so I asked Nadine to lay an article zig-zag on the way back to the car and we ran it when it was less than ten minutes old. Gimme really raced through it.
About ten days ago Gimme was lying on the couch beside me, then squealed, ran out of the room and wouldn't come back. It happened twice. I had no explanation for why she was doing this, so I scheduled a chiropractic appointment. I planned to schedule one as a follow-up for the atlas vertebrae, so I just made the appointment earlier. By the time of our appointment, Gimme had two unexplained episodes of over-reaction during training. One was the time when she got upset during our RFE practice and the other was the meltdown the night before.
As it turned out, during the chiropractic treatment, Gimme screamed in pain when Dr. Powell extended her right shoulder. This has never been an issue before, so we were all taken by surprise. Gimme has a very long history with Doc; she gets a steady stream of peanut butter from her go toob the whole time he's working on her, so she's pretty certain he's the best person on the planet. Thus, she didn't hold it against him. She was completely happy with his exam and treatment of the rest of her body. When he came back to the shoulder, her eyes got very big, but she was willing to let him do it. Fortunately the stuck shoulder had popped out during the stretch, so there was no more discomfort.
I made another appointment for next week, to recheck the shoulder, the atlas and the two toes. Sheesh - I've never seen her have stuff going on one right after another. She seemed fine on the shoulder up until today and now I notice her gait seems a little off. I'll see how it looks tomorrow, plus J'Anna will also be able to observe her. The chiropractor appointment isn't for another 8 days.
Anyway, this stuck shoulder certainly explains the phantom pains and her over-sensitivity lately. I hate this, since she doesn't know what causes it and so is afraid of the invisible boogey monster. I just want my girl to be comfortable, confident and happy again.
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